The Vintage Keyboard Webring

Welcome to the The Vintage Keyboard Webring, the online starting point for all vintage keyboard enthusiasts. Our mission is to build an On-Line community of people who appreciate the classic sounds of electromechanical keyboards.

Here is how you can join: 

First, take a moment to add the HTML code below to your web site. Then submit the Site to the ring: 


The HTML code MUST be on your first page when the submission is checked, or your site will NOT be added to the ring. Once your site is submitted, it will be reviewed by me and you will receive an E-mail welcoming you to the ring. 

How to add the code: 

Simply cut and paste the code at the bottom of the page, onto your homepage. It must appear on the first page of your site,
usually named "index.html". After you paste it into your page, but before you save it, be sure to replace the --NAME-- with your name, the --id-- with the number you were given after you submitted your site, and
--mail-- with your Email address. 

Here is what you will see added to your site: 

(Note: These links DO NOT work, clicking them will result in an error message) 

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